Monday, April 16, 2012

Art and Identity: The Museum of Modern Art

In my research in the museum MoMA, I found several types of pictures from: Martin Kippenberger, Indian Warrior, and Cindy Sherman that has explorated the ideas as cultural, historical and idividual to indentify the work-art. These artists use their arts to express different types of emotions to people who look at your art.

Cindy Sherman
Chromogenic color print
This picture express a woman that is waiting for a call. However, we can see that the woman who is sadly gazing at the phone is actually Sherman who express to the public a depression because she is waiting for a person who never calling her. When I was looking this particular image, I was interested for what reason she was waiting for that call?, the only that I can said is that may be she need to talk to her boyfriend to any reason from her relationship. In other hand, this image is a personal or  individual picture that express to the public a lonely person who is waiting for a call in depression.

Martin Kippenberger
German, 1953-1997
  Synthetic polymer paint on canvas

For my historical workart I choose Maryin K. picture that reflects to me a man who is sitting on a sofa in the street that represent a freedom person. Also when I was looking this particular picture remember me the moments when come to this country that I see almost people that do whatever they want. However, Martin K. his love for his art represented controversial ideas to people about 90, finally he work art was obsessive pursuit of controversy often left a trail of offense, once produced a sculpture of a toad being crucified. His art is related to the German art movement. That why i said that for me Martin K. is a man who pint like a freedom person.

Rafael Doniz
Guerrero indio

This image represent to me a cultural picture by Rafael D. When i was looking this image I see a  woman charged with her baby on her hip and a worker defend the attack of a uniformed soldier by a regimen. For me this picture is a cultural because it was marked by a purpose that we see today. In other hand, may be Rafael D. want to show every-one with this cultural picture freedom of expression  with his workart.

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